Va. pol says ‘you’re supposed to throw away your shoes’ if a CFL light bulb breaks on them

It’s too bad the Richmond Times-Dispatch doesn’t go to this much trouble to debunk EPA claims about mercury emissions from power plants.

Scoundrel CFL makers lobby against consumers

Light bulb makers, in the form of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, will be testifying against a repeal of the 2007 federal light bulb law on March 10 before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The trade group and its member firms have been making their lobbying rounds on Capitol Hill this week. According … Continue reading Scoundrel CFL makers lobby against consumers

CFL makers rise to defend incandescent bulb ban

Compact fluorescent lightbulb (CFL) makers Philips Electronics, Osram Sylvania and General Electric are scrambling to defend the looming ban on incandescent light bulbs, according to Climatewire. Philips has sent halogen bulbs to members of Congress and conservative columnists like George Will in an effort to show that CFLs are not the only option to incandescents. … Continue reading CFL makers rise to defend incandescent bulb ban

Surprise: NY Times trashes CFLs on front page

The New York Times has finally caught up to what Steve Milloy has been saying for the past two years about compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs), including with respect to the greens doing a U-turn on the bulbs. In a front-page story entitled, “Do New Bulbs Save Energy If They Don’t Work,” the New York Times … Continue reading Surprise: NY Times trashes CFLs on front page

Beatty: $50 Light Bulb That Replaces A 25¢ Bulb Got A $10 Million Government ‘Prize’

“The “L” Prize light bulb does save electricity and power costs, but the total cost of ownership (cost for bulb plus electricity cost) shows LED and CFL bulbs to be quite a bit more expensive.”