School on Small Associations Junk Epidemiology II

The EPA is making their whole case with small particle air pollution claims that are based in Epidemiological techniques. Unfortunately epidemiology is problematic and deceptive as used by the EPA researchers.

Lawyer Losers, Who Work for our side, Rich Losers but Still Losers

After collecting fees for showing up, the usual incompetence was demonstrated by Lawyers for the Chamber and the National Association of Manufacturers at a Hearing before the DC Circuit. Why am I not surprised? Let me explain one more time.

Karl Popper and Reliable Science

I will admit some criticize Popper for being so dead set in favor of deductive methods and against inductive scientific methods, but his point is deductive science that tests and verifies with reliable evidence is the essential test of reliable and credible science. Falsifiability (testability) is a big and important word in the world of … Continue reading Karl Popper and Reliable Science

Supreme Court ain't the answer on EPA overreaching

This link below is to Leighton Steward’s recent essay in the  DC insider mag The Hill, and it is another engineer’s optimistic essay on why the Supremes should stop the scientific fraud on Carbon Dioxide.  Steward also refernces a fine essay by Craig Idso on the positive benefits of carbon dioxide. 

Dunn/Milloy: The EPA's Unreliable Science

“United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) research on human heath effects of air pollution consistently violates the rules of science and is not admissible in a federal court under the rules of Daubert v. Merrell Dow 509 U.S. 579 (1993). In a previous essay, we discussed the criticisms of EPA policy making and science by … Continue reading Dunn/Milloy: The EPA's Unreliable Science

Obama OSHA Pick Supports Junk Science in Courts and Public Policy; Senate Should Probe Links With Trial Lawyers, Radical Environmentalists

WASHINGTON, July 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — President Obama’s nominee to head the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), David Michaels, should be grilled by the U.S. Senate about his links to trial lawyers and other anti-science activist groups, says.

Obama OSHA pick supports junk science in courts, regulatory agencies

WASHINGTON, July 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — President Obama’s nominee to head the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), David Michaels, should be grilled by the U.S. Senate about his links to trial lawyers and other anti-science activist groups, says. “Michaels supports the use of junk science as a basis for public policy and court decisions, … Continue reading Obama OSHA pick supports junk science in courts, regulatory agencies