New Deniers: Warmist group admits no link between global warming and tornados

Are enviros trying to gain credibility with the public by becoming skeptics?

The Union of Concerned Scientists said today:

The short answer is that scientists don’t see a clear link between climate change and the number or intensity of tornadoes over the past several decades.


2 thoughts on “New Deniers: Warmist group admits no link between global warming and tornados”

  1. Of course they’re not, Steve. What they are doing is trying to shore up the position of the group or “side” with which they identify, by repudiating some of the more blatantly obvious falsehoods being spewed by the more sensational, more brainwashed elements within their Leninist/global socialist movement.

    They would, of course, like to be seen as “the true skeptics”, which is why they seek to relabel us as “deniers” or (for the less unscrupulous among them) “denialists”. They gotta call us something … and oh, how they do hate having to call us skeptics! They hate that!

    They hate the fact that it has stuck as a reasonable label for us, by commenters on both sides. That is a big problem for them! Let’s hope it continues to be for as long as necessary. (It’s accurate, after all!)


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