EPA admits deleting grants to Gleick: Claims mysterious tech glitch

EPA admitted that grants to Deniergate’s Peter Gleick were deleted from its Grants Award Database.

The admission came in a response to a Freedom of Information Act response filed by Steve Milloy on Feb. 23.

Though the agency admits the deletion occurred, it claims the deletion resulted from a “technical problem.” Good luck trying to understand the agency’s explanation, though:

As we pointed out on Feb. 23 when we reported the grant deletions, only the grants to Gleick’s Pacific Institute seemed to be missing.

Are we to believe that the EPA’s claimed excuse — i.e., the “partial load of the data” — included all but the Gleick grants?

The EPA’s answer is gobbledygook that is meant to stonewall as opposed to explain. Kafka would have been impressed.

Click for the EPA response.

9 thoughts on “EPA admits deleting grants to Gleick: Claims mysterious tech glitch”

  1. Bureaucratize for “We know information should not be withheld, but information was withheld.” Press on for how it was only Gleick affected, who was involved, what did they do and why, exactly, do they do it.

  2. EPA’s power and reach are largely due to technical errors. It’s business as usual. Who should be surprised?

  3. The EPA is a technical error; one that should have been corrected a long time ago.

  4. This is similar to the technical problem that occurred at EPA when a member of its computer staff “inadvertently” erased all of the subpoenaed records of meetings between Carol Browner and members of activist groups after he was “instructed to remove the video games” that Browner’s son had installed on her machine. EPA is wearing this excuse out.

  5. “technical problem” – Translation: ‘We got caught, so we fired a technician.’

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