Democrat Congressman tries moving ‘Deniergate’ spotlight back to Heartland

Arizona Democrat Rep. Raul Grijavla urges investigation of Heartland-Indur Goklany-Department of Interior relationship.

Grijavla’s letter is below.


Rep. Doc Hastings Chairman, House Natural Resources Committee
1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515

Rep. Ed Markey Ranking Member, House Natural Resources Committee 1329 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Chairman Hastings and Ranking Member Markey,

A letter that arrived this morning from Greenpeace, addressed to you both and copied to the members of the Natural Resources Committee, raises serious questions about the conduct of Indur Goklany, the Assistant Director of Programs, Science and Technology Policy at the Department of the Interior. I write to urge you both to organize a hearing as soon as possible.

As the letter explains, a recently publicized budget for the Heartland Institute – a conservative organization that exists to influence government climate and environmental policies – lists Dr. Goklany as receiving $1,000 per month to write a chapter on “Economics and Policy” for a Heartland-funded book on climate science. As the Greenpeace letter points out, employees of federal agencies are specifically warned not to take payment from outside organizations, particularly for “teaching, speaking and writing that relates to [their] official duties.”

We do not know whether Dr. Goklany received the money he was apparently promised by the Heartland Institute. Nor do we know whether other Interior Department employees have been offered, or accepted, similar arrangements with other organizations that seek to influence federal policy. For that matter, we do not know what confidential information Dr. Goklany may have shared with Heartland officials in the course of negotiating his payment agreements. These questions need answers, and our Committee has a unique responsibility to find those answers.

Please advise me whether the Committee will hold a hearing on these issues through Adam Sarvana in my office at (202) 225-2435. Thank you both for your attention to this urgent matter.

Raul Grijalva
Ranking Member, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands

5 thoughts on “Democrat Congressman tries moving ‘Deniergate’ spotlight back to Heartland”

  1. A letter from “Greensleeze” . . . that Global Corporation that collects over 350 Million a year from the ignorant masses, while promoting half-truths and complete fabrications. By all means investigate them all . . . including Greensleeze who give out tax receipts in the US while acting as a political force.

  2. We don’t know if the “Honorable” Rep. Raul Grijavla, ever took bribes or ever indulged in sexual harassment of staff or ever beat his wife or ever lusted after small boys but these questions need answers.and the Congress should stop all the “very important” work its doing to save America and set up an investigating committee to prove this man is not innocent of these alleged crimes.

  3. As the Greenpeace letter points out, employees of federal agencies are specifically warned not to take payment from outside organizations, particularly for “teaching, speaking and writing that relates to [their] official duties.”


    I believe that applies to ALL government employees. So, let’s investigate ALL government employees. I’m ALL for it.
    We could investigate $720,000 “politicization of science”
    We could investigate Economic Stimulus Funding of a scientist.

    So much to do 🙂

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