Climategate 2.0: Systematic deletion of e-mails

Phil Jones’ order to delete e-mails to avoid Freedom of Information requests was certainly executed.

From the Climategate 2.0 collection (#5267), Tim Osborn gives instructions for complying with Phil Jones’ directive:

Hi Mike,

in looking further afield than just my files, I see some other files that are no longer
needed. Please can you delete:
[1] folder and its content (an old word doc) as
I know these aren’t needed any more.
I’d also guess that
[2] folder and its contents can go (files all
dated >8 years ago).
Effie’s folder is also empty.
mickkelly contains only holiday snaps!
At 10:10 31/07/2009, you wrote:

Dear all,
After the recent problems with ClimateAudit, Phil has asked for all
unnecessary files to be purged from the FTP server.
You have a directory in /cru/ftp1/people. Please could you take a look
to see what files need to remain there?
If you would like assistance with this, let me know.
Please confirm by email when you’ve done it, so I can cross you off the

One thought on “Climategate 2.0: Systematic deletion of e-mails”

  1. Technically speaking, he’s not asking for deleting emails. Just get the ‘junk’ files off the ftp server (not really emails, .docs, data, picts, whatever).

    His reasoning appears to be the same. Don’t share anything McIntyre might find on the public file server.

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