Living in a totalitarian militaristic State?

Gotta wonder.
Of course many think it’s just fine to have their fellow citizens armed to the teeth to provide security against other citizens determined to be in violation of the law.
When do the Black Hawks and the Armored vehicles get called in on behalf of this administration?
Recall that the EPA wants to get control of water–does that justify SWAT teams? Would SWAT teams be justified for FDA or CDC actions to prevent food contamination?

Sowell on the Minumum Wage

The continuing battle on minimum wage ignores the obvious, that the minimum wage gambit is about the union contracts already in place, that provide for an increase in the wage for the union workers based on minimum wage increases.
Separate from that, entry level workers are not looking for the wage that will make them able to support a family and live a life, they are looking for a start.
I had a simple little job as a young person–certainly nothing to keep me going for my life, but also something that allowed me to get going.
Continue reading Sowell on the Minumum Wage

IBD Lays it On the Line–Enviros are Totalitarians

Recently we commented on a number of people, Krugman, Figueres, who said a good totalitarian state gets things done.
This attached essay is one reason that Milloy and I think very highly of IBD, not to mention IBD has published Milloy’s commentary.
Thanks to Joe Bast at Heartland for the link.