Complexity Uncertainty Egomania

Mona Charen is a smart lady commentator who is always on the money by my assessment.
Here she talks about the things that von Mises and Hayek tried to teach us about central planning, and she very insightfully takes down the idiocy of what has properly been called “Scientism” and its latest iteration–warmer CRU/IPCC cargo cult science.
Hayek named the problem the “fatal conceit” and the nomenklatura have it and live it.
Models–now there’s something to take to the bank that is a sign of a toxic level of fatal conceit.

Charlatans Rule at the EPA

Francesca Grifo PhD, doyen of scientific integrity at the Union of Concerned Scientists, has been appointed in charge of scientific integrity at EPA, a lateral move, junk science in the private enviro sector to the same role in government.
With this appointment the EPA accomplishes two things, cover for continued junk science and a thumb in the eye of any serious critic of EPA scientific misconduct.
Continue reading Charlatans Rule at the EPA

CS Lewis on Scientism

CS Lewis and Aldous Huxley died on the same day as Kennedy. Bad day for us all.
Lewis was an Oxford Don in philosophy and literature, and he wrote insightfully on the pejorative term Scientism.
He could be a patron of Junk cause we disapprove of Scientism too.
Continue reading CS Lewis on Scientism