Size of Texas increase in Sea Ice. That's 266,000 square miles

Thats 170 million acres of ice more than usual. That’s sea ice, that has no impact on sea level.
However, it does mean that land ice is more, not less.

Driessen on Turney and the Warmer/Enviro Ice Capades Insanity

Paul Driessen, lead man for CFACT, provides an analysis of the Turney debacle and other matters related.
Continue reading Driessen on Turney and the Warmer/Enviro Ice Capades Insanity

Record Lows and Stranded Ice Cruizers

More record lows for America than record highs.
Not proof of cooling or warming, but not helpful for warmers–who now have to rejigger the models or talk loud.
Questions to consider–it is cold all the time in the Antarctic, so why does it surprise anyone that there might be more Ice.
Even in the summer precipitation in Antarctica makes snow, snow makes ice. Right?

Cold facts: More record lows than highs in USA in 2013