Steyer-Bloomberg-Paulson Risky Business Project Too Busy to Defend Its Science

Former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson was on the PBS NewsHour last Wednesday night, explaining on behalf of his new Risky Business Project how much of an economic catastrophe inaction on solving global warming could be. Since I already had a set of tough questions to pose to organizations that otherwise proceed on the premise of man-caused global warming as settled science, I fired off those to Risky Business Project to see what result I’d get. Watch what happened in this case. Continue reading Steyer-Bloomberg-Paulson Risky Business Project Too Busy to Defend Its Science

PBS NewsHour: CO2 Very Bad… except when plants use it to grow better

In the PBS NewsHour’s brief news wrap feature on May 10, its viewers received “grim” news of a worldwide rise of CO2 levels, and were treated to similar news again on Monday (6th paragraph). As I reported last year right here at JS, that’s all we’ve ever heard from them about global warming. But did a particular admission in their climate change report last night undermine their entire narrative? Continue reading PBS NewsHour: CO2 Very Bad… except when plants use it to grow better

“Ocean Acidification”: A Sweet or Sour Talking Point FAIL?

There’s the science of man-caused global warming and there are the semantics of the issue. A major global warming talking point label begs for a deeper look into why it has every appearance of becoming an exceedingly inconvenient wipe-out, when it implodes under a simple exercise in common sense. Continue reading “Ocean Acidification”: A Sweet or Sour Talking Point FAIL?

Gore’s Climate Reality Project begs Debate Moderator Jim Lehrer: Ask Romney and Obama about Climate Change

A petition drive to con Lehrer into bringing up the issue with the presidential candidates appears to be banking on the flip-flops of Governor Romney’s position, but this could backfire in the most spectacular way if Romney issues a mea culpa on who gave him advice on global warming when he was governor, and if Romney asks why Lehrer’s PBS NewsHour has not told its audience about the skeptic side of the issue for 16+ years. Continue reading Gore’s Climate Reality Project begs Debate Moderator Jim Lehrer: Ask Romney and Obama about Climate Change

PBS NewsHour: “Please fill out a survey about our science and climate change coverage”

Their survey is at this link, a reasonably short one where question 13 happens to read: What issue(s) related to climate change do you think should be covered in future reports? Continue reading PBS NewsHour: “Please fill out a survey about our science and climate change coverage”

PBS NewsHour global warming coverage: IPCC/NOAA Scientists – 18**; Skeptic Scientists – 0

[**1/16/15 Author update: The bias ratio now stands at 27 to zero. See below.]

Tom Karl appeared on the NewsHour 7/11 on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to describe how “climate change, including human factors, has increased the odds of extreme weather”. But what are the odds that his appearance there was among three hundred+ other instances where the idea of man-caused global warming was met with not one word of rebuttal from any scientist holding a skeptical viewpoint? Continue reading PBS NewsHour global warming coverage: IPCC/NOAA Scientists – 18**; Skeptic Scientists – 0