Media Matters Smear of ICCC9 Speakers = Epic FAIL

Gotta feel sorry for the poor writers at Media Matters with their “Climate Denial Goes Vegas” attempt to smear all the speakers at the 9th International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas a few days ago. Their very first major wipeout was the title they chose for their smear, but they would not have had prior knowledge of how Lord Monckton was going to destroy the “denier” label there. With regard to me, Russell Cook, your humble Panel 9 “Communicating Climate Change: The Blogosphere” speaker, our friends at Media Matters made 6 errors in 4 line categories in their pathetic attempt to trash me. Continue reading Media Matters Smear of ICCC9 Speakers = Epic FAIL

HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes

Thanks to Steve Milloy for alerting JunkScience readers earlier today to this 1/16/13 Huffington Post article by Climate Counts Project Director Mike Bellamente. When asked if he attempted to apply his own ‘handling’ tips to people who promote the idea of man-caused global warming, Bellamente said he did. We await to find out how that turned out for him, but let’s go ahead and try that exercise right here, shall we? Continue reading HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes