That’s what Mr. Moore says.
Continue reading Game Set Match–Warmers lose
Let's talk IPCC M and M–Misconduct and Misrepresentations
Joe Bast at Forbes.
Continue reading Let's talk IPCC M and M–Misconduct and Misrepresentations
Lovelock Objects to IPCC
Lovelock is a big Gaia guy, geophysicist dreamer and conjurer.
He’s not going there this round, though.
Continue reading Lovelock Objects to IPCC
I like Judith Curry Go Georgia Tech
Professor Curry can’t help herself, she tells the truth, even if it hurts her social calender in the warmer community.
Warsaw Follies II
Message from Craig Rucker From CFACT, an organization opposed to the latest Climate Treaty nonsense.
Rucker attended the Warsaw meet of the UN climate gang.
Continue reading Warsaw Follies II
Warsaw Follies
This essay at PJ Media covers the story of the UN climate great grandchild of Kyoto meeting in Wasaw.
Continue reading Warsaw Follies
PBS NewsHour global warming coverage: IPCC/NOAA Scientists – 18**; Skeptic Scientists – 0
[**1/16/15 Author update: The bias ratio now stands at 27 to zero. See below.]
Tom Karl appeared on the NewsHour 7/11 on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to describe how “climate change, including human factors, has increased the odds of extreme weather”. But what are the odds that his appearance there was among three hundred+ other instances where the idea of man-caused global warming was met with not one word of rebuttal from any scientist holding a skeptical viewpoint? Continue reading PBS NewsHour global warming coverage: IPCC/NOAA Scientists – 18**; Skeptic Scientists – 0