Munoz case Goes South, Baby Might Die, Thanks to an Activist Judge

The Texas law in question on the Munoz case is about saving the life of the baby when a mother is brain dead or otherwise disabled or incapacited that would compromise the survival of the baby in the uterus (womb for you old fashioned readers). The statute intended to make sure every effort was made to sustain the mother, who, even if brain dead of severely disabled, was the incubator for the life of the baby.
Continue reading Munoz case Goes South, Baby Might Die, Thanks to an Activist Judge

More on Brain Death and Persistent Vegetative State/Coma

Follow up on the short discussion of the Jahi case and the longer one on Terri Schiavo.
Guidance for Neurologists on how to determine brain death
Discussion from the National Inst of Neurological Disorders on characteristics of Coma and Persistent Vegetative State (PVS).