Munoz case Goes South, Baby Might Die, Thanks to an Activist Judge

The Texas law in question on the Munoz case is about saving the life of the baby when a mother is brain dead or otherwise disabled or incapacited that would compromise the survival of the baby in the uterus (womb for you old fashioned readers). The statute intended to make sure every effort was made to sustain the mother, who, even if brain dead of severely disabled, was the incubator for the life of the baby.
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What is This Thing Called a Fetus?

Here we go.
Pregnant woman, gestation about 20 weeks collapses from blood clot to lung that causes cardiac arrest, producing brain damage determined to be brain death.
Texas law and law of 31 other states prohibits terminating mother’s life because fetus has right to live.
Imagine that? Parents of the mother argue that she would want to die. No word in the news reports on the opinion of the husband.
Continue reading What is This Thing Called a Fetus?

A Sharp Disagreement on the Brain Death of Jahi McMath

George Neumayr articulates his disagreement on the brain dead argument.
Some religions such as Judaism and some members of other religions are uncomfortable with the brain death concept.
Mr. Neumayr exemplifies that position.