Global Warming Hysteria: Another Dire Prediction Bites the Dust

“Oh, this isn’t good. Those Himalayan glaciers that were supposed to have disappeared by 2035 according to the IPCC (since retracted as nonsense), haven’t even shrunk in ten years.” Continue reading Global Warming Hysteria: Another Dire Prediction Bites the Dust

Delingpole: Germany’s ‘Godfather of Green’ Turns Skeptic

“If Al Gore or David Suzuki or NASA’s Jim Hansen were suddenly to renounce man-made global warming, it could hardly be more surprising.” Continue reading Delingpole: Germany’s ‘Godfather of Green’ Turns Skeptic

Ian Clark: ‘The environmental movement has lost its way’

“In an emailed interview with Financial Post, Prof. Clark explains why the environmentalists “have lost their way” and why NASA scientist James Hansen and former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore are plain wrong.” Continue reading Ian Clark: ‘The environmental movement has lost its way’

Pro-fracking movie gets $22K in two days on Kickstarter

“[Josh Fox] knew that people could light their water for decades before fracking started. He said he didn’t include that in the film because it wasn’t relevant.” Continue reading Pro-fracking movie gets $22K in two days on Kickstarter