Pope fails to find error in Enstrom’s 2017 reanalysis of Pope 1995 PM2.5 study

Arden Pope had 14 months to find an error in Jim Enstrom’s 2017 redo and takedown of Pope’s 1995 study. Despite Pope’s arm-waving no actual error was found.

Retired UCLA epidemiologist Jim Enstrom.

Here is the paragraph of Enstrom’s response:

Read Enstrom’s entire response published in Dose-Response.

Background/Additional Reading

Winning: Harvard’s Joel Schwartz Drops Laughable Claim That PM2.5 Epidemiological Correlations are ‘Strong’

The letters are finally published for last December’s junk science-powered PM2.5 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. We made huge progress.

Harvard TC Cha School of Public Health air quality scamster Joel D. Schwartz. The walls are closing in, buddy.

Continue reading Winning: Harvard’s Joel Schwartz Drops Laughable Claim That PM2.5 Epidemiological Correlations are ‘Strong’

From Muller to Mechanism: How the LNT Model Became the Default Model for Cancer Risk Assessment

New from the great Ed Calabrese…. “The present paper reveals Muller did not discover what he claimed…”

Continue reading From Muller to Mechanism: How the LNT Model Became the Default Model for Cancer Risk Assessment

Will OMB Director Mulvaney Allow the Swamp to Destroy the Glider Truck Industry via an Obama EPA Rule?

Wait until President Trump finds out about this, Mick.

Flanking President Trump during a 2016 visit to a Fitzgerald Glider Kits facility are Tommy Fitzgerald, Sr. and Tommy Fitzgerald, Jr.

Continue reading Will OMB Director Mulvaney Allow the Swamp to Destroy the Glider Truck Industry via an Obama EPA Rule?

New Study: Still no association between PM2.5, ozone and premature death

This is a new PM2/5/ozone analysis from Stan Young et al. It uses a different methodology from last year’s California study on the same California data. Same answer, though. And the data is available from the study authors — something the EPA-funded air pollution mafia refuses to share.

Unlike anyone at Harvard, statistician Dr. Stan Young will make his data available so you don’t have to just trust him.

Continue reading New Study: Still no association between PM2.5, ozone and premature death

NO… air ‘pollution’ NOT associated with hospitalization of elderly

More junk from Francesca Dominici and the Harvard air scare mafia.

You’ll get NO VERITAS from the air quality work of Harvard’s Francesca Dominici.

Continue reading NO… air ‘pollution’ NOT associated with hospitalization of elderly

Fake ‘science historian’ Naomi Oreskes attacks EPA science transparency proposal

Check out my line-by-line comments on her embarrassing essay in this week’s Nature.

Continue reading Fake ‘science historian’ Naomi Oreskes attacks EPA science transparency proposal

Air Pollution Mafia Attempting to Sabotage EPA Science Transparency Rulemaking

A memo prepared by the University of Washington’s Alison Cullen for the upcoming EPA Science Advisory Board meeting exposes the plot.

UWashington’s Alison Cullen is trying to thwart the Trump EPA’s effort to clean up EPA science.

Continue reading Air Pollution Mafia Attempting to Sabotage EPA Science Transparency Rulemaking