Apres le whitewash: Revkin aims for Climategaters’ good graces

New York Times reporter Andrew Revkin is moving to repair his relationship with alarmists after being stung by their expressed distrust. In one of the notorious Climategate e-mails, hokey stick fabricator Michael Mann notes that Revkin is “not as predictable as we’d like.” Revkin moved to repair that breach of trust in his article today, … Continue reading Apres le whitewash: Revkin aims for Climategaters’ good graces

NY Times watchdog whitewashes Climategate

New York Times public editor Clark Hoyt responded to our request to examine the propriety of Andrew Revkin’s reporting on Climategate. Not only is Revkin part of the Climategate story (he’s mentioned in the e-mails) but he clearly has a special relationship with the Climategate actors that calls into question whether he can report on … Continue reading NY Times watchdog whitewashes Climategate

NY Times watchdog whitewashes Climategate

New York Times public editor Clark Hoyt responded to our request to examine the propriety of Andrew Revkin’s reporting on Climategate. Not only is Revkin part of the Climategate story (he’s mentioned in the e-mails) but he clearly has a special relationship with the Climategate actors that calls into question whether he can report on … Continue reading NY Times watchdog whitewashes Climategate

Defend George Will and the right to question climate alarmism!

Please help defend nationally syndicated columnist George Will from the greens… you made be defending your own right to question green orthodoxy! Here’s the story. On Feb. 15, the Washington Post published Will’s column “Dark Green Doomsayers.” Not surprisingly, green groups (Center for American Progress Action Fund, Media Matters and Friends of the Earth) have … Continue reading Defend George Will and the right to question climate alarmism!

Wrong Again: James Hansen 1988 Senate Testimony Edition

NASA scientist James Hansen launched climate idiocy on June 23, 1988 with his famous Senate testimony. This review of it 35 years later indicates that Hansen’s testimony was largely just hot air, which no doubt contributed to the legendary stuffiness of the Senate hearing room that day.

Is NOAA trying to warm the current 8+ year pause?

Recall that my 13 million-view tweet sent Big Climate into a paroxysm of desperate but fake ‘fact checks.’ Is NOAA now trying to slowly warm the current pause with an eye toward eliminating it? Or is this just innocent data correction? So here is the graph that the 13 million-view tweet was based on. The … Continue reading Is NOAA trying to warm the current 8+ year pause?

AP reports: ‘Every pollutant counts’; Just not the last 450 billion tons?

Recall the AP “fact-checked” my 13 million-view tweet for noting there’s been no warming since 2015 despite 450 billion tons of emissions. Yet today the AP reports that, “environmental scientists agree… every pollutant counts.” Except the last 450 billion tons of emissions, representing 14% of total manmade CO2?

Washington Post pushes Twitter, Facebook to silence Milloy

Below is today’s Washington Post article (Web | PDF), where as it turns out, ‘climate misinformation’ is meant to mean Steve Milloy’s Twitter and Facebook accounts. Please support JunkScience.com. Who else drives the bad guys this crazy?

Joe Bast sets Washington Post straight on Trump appointment of David Legates to NOAA

Former Heartland Institute chief Joe Bast corrects the fake news on David Legates from the Washington Post. (Editor’s Note: One of the authors of the Post article, Andrew Freedman, was a political science major and is now a political science hack reporter… obviously qualified to pass judgment on Dr. David Legates.)