Trump to cool planet by lifting logging restrictions in Alaska

The most IPCC ‘science’ indicates that President Trump’s move to allow logging in Alaska’s Tongass national Forest would reduce global warming.

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Study: 2018 saw most snow in Arctic since 1987

1987 is 70 ppm CO2 ago and a year before James Hansen’s alarming congressional testimony. There was much snow in 2018 that “only a few animals and plants were able to reproduce because of abundant and late melting snow.” And climate bedwetters want to ‘reverse’ global warming!

Study: Web | PDF

Hair Pollution: Particulate matter ‘linked’ to hair loss

Just one question… where was the epidemic of baldness in, say, 1950s America or in China/India today? Just askin’ for a friend.

Continue reading Hair Pollution: Particulate matter ‘linked’ to hair loss added to SEC petition on climate lying recently announced that it was going to “meet” the Paris Climate Agreement 10 years early. Just more climate lies that have nowed added via supplement to our SEC petition to stop corporate climate lying.

WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 19: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announces the co-founding of The Climate Pledge at the National Press Club on September 19, 2019 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Amazon)

Read: Supplement (PDF | SEC web site) Original Petition (PDF | SEC web site) All SEC petitions

America’s Cooling… and the #FakeNews Media that Refuses to Report It

The Washington Post recently pumped global warming alarm with a front-page, above-the-fold headline screaming, “2°C BEYOND THE LIMIT: Extreme climate change has arrived in America.” It was a headline that couldn’t be more at odds with the soft-pedalled inconvenient truth of the federal government’s National Climate Assessment.

Continue reading America’s Cooling… and the #FakeNews Media that Refuses to Report It

Study: No need to cut down red and processed meat consumption

Major Canadian-led study finds cutting back has little impact on health. I posted this because you probably won’t see it anywhere else.

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Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

Myron Ebell and I collaborated on this compilation for the Competitive Enterprise Institute. It is currently the top story at

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Science Dies in Darkness at the Washington Post

The Trump-hating Washington Post protests the 2016 election with its sore loser slogan, “Democracy Dies In Darkness.” So let’s check out today’s front-page climate hysteria.

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