The BMJ’s ‘Trust Us’ Statistics — With a Relative Risk of 1.0018!

Anyone knowledgeable about epidemiology was appalled when, in 1992, EPA labeled secondhand smoke as a carcinogen based on a relative risk of 1.19 — well within the noise range of statistical correlations and essentially a no-correlation finding. Now the British Medical Journal has published a study trying to link ozone in outdoor air with premature mortality based on a relative risk of 1.0018. That is shocking enough, but check out the BMJ’s ‘trust us’ guarantee.

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Climate — or dietary supplement industry — causing penguin decline?

The chinstrap penguin’s food supply is apparently on the decline. Where are the krill going? Climate bedwetters blame climate, of course. But…

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Democrats pressure Google to censor climate skeptics on YouTube

Totalitarian Congresswoman Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) demands Google censor climate skeptics on YouTube. Not only are we winning the debate… we are forcing our opponents to show who the actual would-be-dictators are. Read the entire letter (Web | PDF). Excerpts below.

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Atrazine: A Water Rule the EPA Got Right — and Tucker Carlson Got Wrong

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson recently went off on a Trump EPA change to the rules for the herbicide atrazine. Here’s why Carlson and others should dodge pitches and propaganda from green advocacy groups. My column at

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Origin of the 2C temperature target

The Climategate emails revealed that the 2C global warming temperature target was entirely arbitrary — “plucked out of thin air,” as Phil Jones put it. Today we can trace this arbitrariness back one step further — to a 1975 paper by economist William Nordhaus.

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President Trump knocks it out of the park at Davos

“But to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the Apocalypse… These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform and control every aspect of our lives. We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country or eradicate our liberty. America will always be the proud, strong and unyielding bastion of freedom.”

Video and transcript below.

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