California Governor Newsom makes false claim about children, asthma and tailpipe emissions

In announcing his legally dubious ban of gasoline-powered cars in California by 2035, Gov. Newsom stated, “You deserve to have a car that doesn’t give your kids asthma.” readers will recall that EPA-funded UCLA and USC researchers in the 2000s to spray diesel exhaust up the noses of children as young as 10 years old in order to see what happened. Not a wheeze was what happened. Nothing that comes out of tail pipe causes or triggers asthma. EPA has much clinical research on actual humans demonstrating this. The results of these (illegal) studies are non-public except to the extent that they have been discovered and previously exposed by through the Freedom of Information Act.

US Senate refrigerant bill not cool

The Caesar Rodney Institute’s David Stevenson explains why the latest bi-partisan climate bill — a legislative effort to circumvent the non-ratifiable Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol for the benefit of multinational rentseekers– is bad for Americans.

Continue reading US Senate refrigerant bill not cool

Wildfires offsetting California’s expensive cap-and-trade emissions cuts

California’s failure to manage its forests so as to limit wildfires offset much if not all of the state’s expensive efforts to reduce its greenhouse emissions. Three charts from the California government and some back-of-the-envelope calculations indicate this.

Continue reading Wildfires offsetting California’s expensive cap-and-trade emissions cuts

Joe Bast sets Washington Post straight on Trump appointment of David Legates to NOAA

Former Heartland Institute chief Joe Bast corrects the fake news on David Legates from the Washington Post. (Editor’s Note: One of the authors of the Post article, Andrew Freedman, was a political science major and is now a political science hack reporter… obviously qualified to pass judgment on Dr. David Legates.)

University of Delaware climatologist Dr. David Legates was just appointed to a leadership role at NOAA.

Continue reading Joe Bast sets Washington Post straight on Trump appointment of David Legates to NOAA

Arctic warming up — in 1955 — reports Chicago Tribune

In 1955, atmospheric CO2 was at 314 ppm. That’s about a 100 ppm CO2 ago — and 36 ppm CO2 below the James Hansen-claimed ideal CO2 level of 350 ppm. (Note NYTimes update at end of post.)

Other points made in the Chicago Tribune article:

Continue reading Arctic warming up — in 1955 — reports Chicago Tribune

New York Times debunks climate-caused California wildfires

California can either manage its forests better or watch them burn for another 200 years — according to the New York Times.

Continue reading New York Times debunks climate-caused California wildfires