Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying

2020 has been the wildest and most unpredictable year in the memory of most people. But did the climate doom that was predicted to occur in or by 2020 materialize? What follows are 10 predictions made for 2020 and what really happened. As it turns out, climate doomsayers weren’t seeing so 20-20 when it came to 2020.

Continue reading Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying

NYTimes: JunkScience.com ‘promotes false information on climate’ — but we quote him anyway!

The New York Times reports today that California air chief Mary Nichols will not be Joe Biden’s EPA chief because she is apparently an environmental racist. Too bad for Nichols, but keep reading.

Continue reading NYTimes: JunkScience.com ‘promotes false information on climate’ — but we quote him anyway!

Milloy testifies on Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s proposal to join RGGI

My oral testimony delivered this morning to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. (Cartoon from Cartoons by Josh).

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HUGE WINNING… EPA will not tighten PM2.5 air quality standards

JunkScience.com and friends — including Steve Milloy, Jim Enstrom, Stan Young, John Dunn and others — have worked for more than 20 years to achieve this result. A Biden administration will undoubtedly try to overturn this decision. So we will have to continue fighting the PM2.5 fraudsters. Meantime, this is a BIG win. More info: EPA Fact Sheet (PDF | Web) Federal Register notice (Web | PDF) EPA PM web page

It’s the science that’s rotten, not the Reef

From The Australian: “It is remarkable that the world has been convinced that one of its most pristine ecosystems is on its last legs. The science behind this claim is wrong… but no one wants to remedy the problem.”

Continue reading It’s the science that’s rotten, not the Reef

John Kerry admits US and other industrial nation emissions cuts are pointless

John Kerry made these remarks at the 2015 Paris climate conference:

“The fact is that even if every single American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes – if we each planted a dozen trees – if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions – guess what? That still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world. If all the industrialized nations went down to zero emissions – remember what I just said – all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions, it wouldn’t be enough – not when more than 65 percent of the world’s carbon pollution comes from the developing world.”

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JunkScience.com statement on Biden selection of John Kerry as Climate Envoy

It appears that John Kerry will continue his 50-year career of subverting America as Climate Envoy in the Biden administration. Since his days of slandering US combat troops in Vietnam to Congress, to his days as Obama Secretary of State (think Iran nuclear agreement and the Paris climate accord), Kerry has endeavored to put America last. Although Kerry admitted at the 2015 Paris climate conference that US emissions cuts would not change the climate, he hailed the agreement as one of his ‘proudest moments.’

Just this weekend in addressing the G20, President Trump stated that the Paris agreement “was not designed to save the environment. It was designed to kill the American economy.” It looks like Kerry agrees with Trump’s assessment of the effect of the Paris agreement on climate. Given Kerry’s anti-America history, President Trump’s entire assessment of the Paris climate agreement is likely correct.

Check out my Twitter thread for more John Kerry lowlights.

Shock: Global warming study withdrawn for causing ‘unnecessary despair’ about emissions cut futility

The Times (UK): “A top scientific journal which claimed that global warming may already be unstoppable has been forced to issue a clarification after being accused of potentially causing ‘unnecessary despair.” JunkScience reported on this study yesterday.

Continue reading Shock: Global warming study withdrawn for causing ‘unnecessary despair’ about emissions cut futility