JunkScience.com statement on Biden selection of John Kerry as Climate Envoy

It appears that John Kerry will continue his 50-year career of subverting America as Climate Envoy in the Biden administration. Since his days of slandering US combat troops in Vietnam to Congress, to his days as Obama Secretary of State (think Iran nuclear agreement and the Paris climate accord), Kerry has endeavored to put America last. Although Kerry admitted at the 2015 Paris climate conference that US emissions cuts would not change the climate, he hailed the agreement as one of his ‘proudest moments.’

Just this weekend in addressing the G20, President Trump stated that the Paris agreement “was not designed to save the environment. It was designed to kill the American economy.” It looks like Kerry agrees with Trump’s assessment of the effect of the Paris agreement on climate. Given Kerry’s anti-America history, President Trump’s entire assessment of the Paris climate agreement is likely correct.

Check out my Twitter thread for more John Kerry lowlights.

Shock: Global warming study withdrawn for causing ‘unnecessary despair’ about emissions cut futility

The Times (UK): “A top scientific journal which claimed that global warming may already be unstoppable has been forced to issue a clarification after being accused of potentially causing ‘unnecessary despair.” JunkScience reported on this study yesterday.

Continue reading Shock: Global warming study withdrawn for causing ‘unnecessary despair’ about emissions cut futility

Study: Ending greenhouse gas emissions may not stop global warming

“To prevent the projected temperature and sea level rises, the authors suggest that all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions would have had to be reduced to zero between 1960 and 1970.”

Continue reading Study: Ending greenhouse gas emissions may not stop global warming

If you need more evidence that climate is about communism…

This compilation of my 2020-21 “If you need more evidence that climate is about communism…” tweets lets climate activists present their real goal in their own words. Don’t just accept what climate skeptics have been saying for the past several decades. But do take the activists at their word. Keep in mind this small collection is merely what I have tweeted this year under this particular rubric. There is a motherlode of similar sentiments and positions all over the Internet. [Last Update: September 7, 2021].

Continue reading If you need more evidence that climate is about communism…

Red Herren: SEC Commissioner shovels climate nonsense at NYTimes readers

SEC Commissioner Allison Herren Lee has an op-ed in today’s New York Times cheerleading for enhanced corporate disclosure of climate risks. She has no idea what’s she’s talking about. Below is my line-by-line take down. And don’t forget about my SEC petition to stop climate lying.

Continue reading Red Herren: SEC Commissioner shovels climate nonsense at NYTimes readers