Milloy talks war on air conditioning with Laura Ingraham on FOX News

From the July 6, 2021 episode of Ingraham Angle. A clarification on the last exchange. Laura was talking thermostats and I was thinking electric meters. Digital thermostats are okay. Smart meters — which allow utilities to control your electricity usage — are not. Support!


Milloy in Wall Street Journal on Biden SEC rollback of Trump SEC anti-fraud provisions

The Wall Street Journal editorialized last week about the Biden Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) move to rollback anti-fraud rules for proxy advisory firms that had been issued by the Trump SEC.The only problem with the WSJ editorial is that it provided no specific example to make its case. Fortunately, my letter in today’s WSJ does just that regarding my 2020 climate greenwashing shareholder proposal filed with ExxonMobil. Please support!

Biden SEC chairman Gary Gensler wants to give proxy advisor firms carte blanche to commit fraud to advance the left’s political agenda.

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Biden administration’s ‘social cost of carbon’ measure is without basis in fact

My latest in the Washington Times (Web | PDF).
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Milloy to EPA Administrator: Pick a new CASAC or see you in court

My letter to Biden EPA administrator Michael Regan about his stacking of the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee panel with EPA grant-recipient cronies.

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Corrupt EPA stacks CASAC panel with agency grant cronies; Chair is top agency grant crony

EPA has filled the seven-seat Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee with five agency grant recipients. The CASAC chairman will be the University of Washington’s Lianne Sheppard, the top recipient of agency grants ($65+ million). In 2018, Sheppard sued the Trump administration after being excluded from being an independent EPA science advisor because she was an agency grant recipient. The four agency grant recipients included on the “independent”CASAC board include: Michelle Bell ($29 million), James Boylan ($229,770), Judith Chow ($449,456) and Mark Frampton ($36+ million). EPA completely ignored the recommendations of, instead opting for a totally corrupt and rubber-stamping CASAC. EPA’s CASAC will now be led by someone who gets paid to do research for EPA then gets to review and rubberstamp her and her colleagues’ (also EPA grant recipients) work. No corruption here. Move on. Support to fight back against this outrageous fraud.

Top EPA grant grubber Lianne Sheppard is now chairman of EPA’s CASAC board of outside advisors on air quality science.


Milloy comments to SEC on climate disclosure

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) wants to expand climate disclosure requirements for publicly owned companies. My short and sweet comments are below. Other public comments are here. Please support

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Red Alert: EPA begins process to undo Trump PM2.5 air quality standards decision

EPA has announced that out will review the PM2.5 NAAQS that the Trump EPA decided to leave unchanged from the Obama EPA setting at 12 micrograms/m3. This marks the start of the Biden EPA’s bid to go back to the fraudulent use of PM2.5 as its most potent regulatory weapon and portends all sport of bad regulations, including backdoor climate regulation. Stay tuned for developments. As before, will lead the fight against EPA on this. Please support our efforts.
