Milloy to Exelon: How many African children are killed, maimed and brutalized per share?

I presented my African child slave labor shareholder proposal at today’s Exelon Corp. shareholder meeting. Exelon (an electric utility) supports Black Lives Matter. But what about the brutalized child slave laborers in the Congo? My presentation, Exelon’s lame “defense” and the voting result are below.

Continue reading Milloy to Exelon: How many African children are killed, maimed and brutalized per share?

John Kerry: Global net zero is not enough; CO2 must be removed from the atmosphere

John Kerry totally devastates the (impossible) notion of emissions cuts today at Joe Biden’s “Leaders Climate Summit.” Global net zero is not enough. We musk suck CO2 out of the atmosphere, too.

Continue reading John Kerry: Global net zero is not enough; CO2 must be removed from the atmosphere

John Kerry: US & China going to zero emissions tomorrow won’t solve the climate ‘problem’

From today’s Washington Post interview of Joe Biden’s climate clownvoy. Kerry also says, the US is the one nation with ‘a lot of deniers.’

Milloy defeats Exelon at SEC on child labor shareholder proposal

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has denied electric utility Exelon’s bid to exclude from its proxy statement and annual meeting Steve Milloy’s shareholder proposal on child labor in the electric vehicle supply chain. There is also a Politico report on my shareholder proposal today.

Continue reading Milloy defeats Exelon at SEC on child labor shareholder proposal