Milloy talks vaccines and ‘defund the police’ on Newsmax

From the August 5, 2021 episode of “National Report” on Newsmax. Two segments.

Is Communist China stealing Medicare data through air pollution researchers?

Check out Jim Enstrom’s letter to the editor of Nature about 69 million Medicare records made available to Chinese researchers in the US. The lead researcher mentioned is Emory University’s Liuhua Shi, who is from China and may still be a Chinese national. Is anyone making sure China isn’t stealing personal and private Medicare data?

Don’t laugh: How to improve public trust in government science?

From the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy: “OSTP seeks information to help improve the effectiveness of Federal scientific integrity policies to enhance public trust in science.” Once I stopped spitting up my coffee, I came up with 10 principles based on my 30+ years of working in the sewer of government science that I submitted to OSTP. Please support!

Please support!

Continue reading Don’t laugh: How to improve public trust in government science?