California: Ban diesel trucks because they are racist — but okay to test diesel exhaust on minority children?

A segment from today’s episode of Outnumbered on Readers will recall that uncovered illegal EPA-funded and UCLA and USC experiments in which ‘researchers’ sprayed diesel exhaust up the noses of children to see what would happen. I would bet that these children were minorities attending some free clinic who were abused by idiotic researchers.

Fox & Friends shoutout to Milloy

Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm says wind and solar power can bring about world peace. My tweeted response was featured in this story and got a shoutout on Fox & Friends Sunday morning.

Douglas Murray slams Al Gore for comparing climate skeptics to Uvalde cops

From the July 25, 2022 episode of Fox News’ America’s Newsroom.

WaPo takes on Milloy and fails (again)

Provoked by yours truly on Twitter, Washington Post weather guy Matthew Cappucci tried to explain away 1930s US temperatures which are much hotter than current US temperatures. Unfortunately for Cappucci, he relied on Texas A&M climate bedwetter Andrew Dessler.

Continue reading WaPo takes on Milloy and fails (again)