It wasn’t easy, but it was revealing. But here is my full chat with ChatGPT. (Update: coverage Web | PDF)
Continue reading ChaptGPT admits there has been no warming since 2015
It wasn’t easy, but it was revealing. But here is my full chat with ChatGPT. (Update: coverage Web | PDF)
Continue reading ChaptGPT admits there has been no warming since 2015
Recall that my 13 million-view tweet sent Big Climate into a paroxysm of desperate but fake ‘fact checks.’ Is NOAA now trying to slowly warm the current pause with an eye toward eliminating it? Or is this just innocent data correction?
So here is the graph that the 13 million-view tweet was based on. The image was taken on January 12, 2023.
Now here is the image taken today.
They are very similar. But note the trend. In January, the 2015-2022 cooling trend was -0.11°C/decade. Today, the trend has been knocked back to -0.07°C/decade.
Is this a mere data correction/adjustment by NOAA or the beginning of something something more sinister? Stay tuned.
From the February 14, 2023 episode of FOX News’ Jesse Watters Primetime. Below is Jesse’s opening monologue (a fantastic must-watch) and his interview with me.You can also watch my interview on
I have hit nerve with Big Climate. So I must be destroyed. Almost every wire service has fake-factchecked me in the past month following my blockbuster exposure of the emissions hoax. Here is the pathetic attempt by Agence France Presse (AFP).
Continue reading French wire service AFP fake-factchecks Milloy on another emissions hoax tweet
Here’s what ChatGPT produced when I asked to write an essay from my perspective on climate. Not too bad, except for the end. I do not think that deforestation or water pollution are pressing environmental problems. ChatGPT just made that up. I suppose the last graph is executed by the climate narrative do-loop.
Continue reading To ChatGPT: Write an essay on climate from Steve Milloy’s point of view
Seven pieces of climate propaganda from January 2023 exposed and debunked. The PDF version (needed to click through to the links) is here.
Reuters finally joins Twitter, Associated Press, Australian Associated Press and in fake fact-checking my monster 13 million-view tweet about no warming since 2015.
Continue reading Reuters finally fake fact-checks Milloy’s 13 million-view tweet
This e-mail from Reuters showed up a week ago about my 13-million view tweet.
Here’s the Federal Register notice. Here’s a short version of the fraud. Here’s the detailed account of how I uncovered it. The public comment deadline is March 28. The lawsuit that could stop this fraud is on appeal.
Recall the AP “fact-checked” my 13 million-view tweet for noting there’s been no warming since 2015 despite 450 billion tons of emissions. Yet today the AP reports that, “environmental scientists agree… every pollutant counts.” Except the last 450 billion tons of emissions, representing 14% of total manmade CO2?, “a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center,” is the latest part of Big Climate to melt down over my 13 million-view tweet. At least it came up with a new, albeit false, distraction.
Continue reading Milloy 13 million-view tweet makes a liar of
Now it’s the Australian Associated Press (AAP) lying about my tweet pointing out the hoax that is CO2 warming.
Continue reading Worldwide: Milloy 13 million-view tweets sends Aussie fake news media into meltdown