Milloy talks Russia oil price caps on Fox Business with Edward Lawrence and Phil Flynn

From the November 23, 2022 episode of Fox Business Tonight.

Notice of Appeal filed in Young v. EPA

Coming off a partial trial court loss in September, the CASAC portion of Young v. EPA is being appealed. The question to be determined is: Did Congress authorize EPA to rig statutorily required external scientific peer review with agency grantee-cronies? This case will determine the outcome of the Biden regime’s efforts to backdoor regulate climate emissions through PM2.5 and ozone air quality standards. Stay tuned.

Another dietary myth bites the dust: So-called ‘good cholesterol’ not so helpful

As has pointed out for years (until we got hijacked by climate idiocy), dietary research is filled with lies.

Continue reading Another dietary myth bites the dust: So-called ‘good cholesterol’ not so helpful

Wrong Again: Al Gore Nobel Lecture Edition

At the opening of COP-27, Al Gore said:

We have a credibility problem all of us: We’re talking and we’re starting to act, but we’re not doing enough.

Gore got the first part right — the entire climate alarmist movement has a credibility problem as previously shown here and here. Gore himself has contributed much to this credibility problem over the years beginning with his infamously deceitful movie An Inconvenient Truth (2006). The film was so error-filled that a British judge required in October 2007 that it carry warning labels before being shown to school children.

Despite the court ruling, the Nobel Peace Prize committee awarded Gore and the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) its 2007 award. Gore accepted his Nobel Peace Prize in December 2007 and delivered his “Nobel Lecture” in which he made a number of apocalyptic claims. Now, 15 years later, as the climate alarmist community meets in Egypt at COP-27, its an appropriate time to examine Gore’s apocalyptic views mentioned in his Nobel Lecture with reality to date.

Continue reading Wrong Again: Al Gore Nobel Lecture Edition

WaPo weather guy Matthew Cappucci perpetuates the climate hoax with misleading report on new rain ‘study’

Like fish in a barrel.

Continue reading WaPo weather guy Matthew Cappucci perpetuates the climate hoax with misleading report on new rain ‘study’

New push to de-platform climate dissent fueled by JunkScience tweets

The climate mafia recently renewed its pressure campaign on social media companies to to silence online dissent. I’ve noticed a pattern. Maybe you’ll spot it, too.

Continue reading New push to de-platform climate dissent fueled by JunkScience tweets

Energy experts sound alarm on Europe’s energy crisis as ‘clear and present warning’ for America

A group of us sent a letter (below) to GOP leadership about the lessons to be learned from the climate idiocy-caused energy disaster in Europe. Here is FOX Business coverage and below is my interview tonight with Jackie DeAngelis.

Continue reading Energy experts sound alarm on Europe’s energy crisis as ‘clear and present warning’ for America

Federal judge allows EPA to rig scientific peer review panel

A shocking and disappointing decision in Young v. EPA. My comment: EPA clearly rigged its air quality science peer review with paid-off cronies. Congress never intended to allow EPA to rig scientific peer review when it wrote the Clean Air Act and Federal Advisory Committee Act. Another low for the federal judiciary.