Washington Post editorial board admits climate skeptics correct on science and policy

The WaPo editorial board admits the science is not settled and no government program will stop change hurricane activity. Key points highlighted. The rest is just frustrated gobbledygook. And although the editorial focuses on hurricanes, you can substitute any extreme weather event.

Kentucky AG legal opinion: ESG investing is a breach of an asset manager’s fiduciary duty

Bottomline commonsense: “While asset owners may pursue a social purpose or “sacrifice some performance on their investments to achieve an ESG goal,”25 investment managers entrusted to make financial investments for Kentucky’s public pension systems must be single-minded in their motivation and actions and their decisions must be “[s]olely in the interest of the members and beneficiaries [and for] the exclusive purpose of providing benefits[26] to members and beneficiaries.” Read the entire letter.

SEC Commissioner Peirce trashes proposed ESG rules as unneeded nonsense

It’s already against the law to lie to investors and “the proposals we are voting on today will fail of their purpose because they are not so much built on sand as they float on a cloud of smoke, false promises, and internal contradiction.” [Web | PDF]

Milloy presents shareholder proposal at ExxonMobil annual meeting

Below is my presentation of my “shareholder proposal to end all shareholder proposals” at the ExxonMobil annual meeting. You can read more about the proposal here. All CEO Darren Woods could utter in response was something like, “We support shareholder rights.” So do I — but actual shareholders, not the fake shareholders trying to subvert the company.

Continue reading Milloy presents shareholder proposal at ExxonMobil annual meeting

Video: HSBC banker destroys ESG climate investing

Climate communism is up in arms about this presentation made at a Financial Times ESG conference. Although the video exists for now on YouTube, I have captured it so that it can’t be Stalinized. Watch HSBC asset manager Stuart Kirk take apart ESG climate investing. Kirk has now been suspected from his job at HSBC.

Milloy petitions SEC for corporate disclosure rules on China

Last Friday (May 20), I petitioned the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to require publicly-owned corporations to disclosure to shareholders the nature and extent of business reliance on Communist China — basically what would happen if US business ties to China were disrupted by, say, war. On cue, Joe Biden says the US will defend Taiwan if Communist China invades. The petition is here. It is now posted on the SEC web site.

Milloy talks hurricanes and gas prices with Laura Ingraham on Fox News

From the May 11, 2022 episode of Ingraham Angle.

Milloy statement at 3M annual meeting about the ‘Communist China Audit’ shareholder proposal

My statement is below. The proposal is here. My Wall Street Journal op-ed on this issue is here.

Continue reading Milloy statement at 3M annual meeting about the ‘Communist China Audit’ shareholder proposal

The Ultimate Energy Wrecking Ball — Joe Biden

My latest at the Daily Caller… featured on Fox News’ Faulkner Focus.

Continue reading The Ultimate Energy Wrecking Ball — Joe Biden