Mother of all cancer risk assessment regulation found to be science fraud

Climate junk scientist James Hansen wasn’t the first to use the term “loaded dice” in regard to alleged human enhancement of environmental risk. That “honor” goes to Science magazine which use the term in its editorial heralding its May 1957 publication of the foundational paper of all cancer risk assessment, E.B. Lewis’ “Leukemia and Ionizing Radiation.”

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1956 National Academy of Sciences report on radiation risk discovered to be science fraud

The article highlighted on the June 13, 1956 front-page of the New York Times was the product of demonstrable science fraud committed by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). The subject report by the NAS is a foundational document for the junk science that is the linear no-threshold model used in regulatory risk assessment. If you want the story on the NAS report, watch Episode 12, Episode 13 and Episode 14 of the Health Physics Society’s video series entitled, “The Historical Foundations of the Linear No-Threshold Dose-Response Model for Cancer Risk Assessment.” This is a mere teaser for LNT news to be broken on this page that will rock the radiation safety and regulatory risk assessment bureaucracy. So get informed and stay tuned. It’s recommended that you watch the entire 22-part HPS video series ASAP so you can better appreciate the news when it breaks.

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Milloy forces ExxonMobil to admit for the first time that more CO2 is produced than stored during enhanced oil recovery

I love oil companies. But I hate lying. Especially climate lying.

Oil companies have for years been telling the public that they are reducing CO2 emissions by storing CO2 underground when they inject it into wells to produce hard-to-reach oil. This process is called “enhanced oil recovery” or EOR. I showed the claim was false years ago. But no company would admit it.

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Conservative groups own Earth Day at Atlantic City: SAVE WHALES, STOP WINDMILLS

“Steve Milloy, a senior fellow at the Energy and Environment Legal Institute who sits on Heartland’s board of directors, told The Post the ad campaign reveals how ‘Orwellian’ government action on the environment has become. ‘As the Biden administration is literally permitting the offshore wind industry to kill endangered whales under the guise of ‘saving the planet,’ Earth Day has gone 180 degrees from where it started and has become truly Orwellian,'” Milloy said. New York Post coverage Web | PDF.

More pics below. Continue reading Conservative groups own Earth Day at Atlantic City: SAVE WHALES, STOP WINDMILLS

Green groups lobby Congress on behalf Communist China and Uyghur genocide

Communist China uses Uyghur slave labor in the manufacture of solar panels. Absent action from Congress, President Trump placed tariffs on these panels. Then in 2021, a law was enacted banning the import of slave labor panels. But China had already worked around the law and Trump tariffs by laundering the panels through other Asian countries like Malaysia and Cambodia. Upon complaint from the US solar panel industry about China circumventing the law and tariffs, the Biden Administration determined the circumvention was indeed happening, but then decided to exempt Chinese manufacturers from the tariffs anyway. A bill in Congress now would rollback the Biden exemption and reinstate the Trump tariffs on Uyghur slave labor-made panels. In a boost for genocide, 10 green groups have written members of Congress in opposition to the rollback of the Biden exemption.

Continue reading Green groups lobby Congress on behalf Communist China and Uyghur genocide