Does a public opinion poll on global warming mean anything?

Alarmist Roger Pielke, Jr. says that “The battle for public opinion has essentially been won.” But can the public even have a meaningful opinion? Continue reading Does a public opinion poll on global warming mean anything?

Climategate 2.0: Briffa — Current warming ‘probably matched about 1000 years ago’

Keith Briffa also doesn’t think too much of the hokey stick shaft. Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Briffa — Current warming ‘probably matched about 1000 years ago’

Climategate 2.0: Hughes — hokey stick should be treated with ‘considerable caution’

Hokey stick co-author Malcolm Hughes could have been a skeptic. Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Hughes — hokey stick should be treated with ‘considerable caution’