Hypersexual Culture a Public Health Problem?

I would say–yeah and it’s not just because I’m Old.
Infantilizing sex, encouraging recreational sex, irresponsible sex, is a public health problem, but also a cultural problem that produces unhappy people.
Stable family based society is going the way of the Dodo Bird.

How Does the Evil Martin Heidegger Still have Philosophical Stature?

I got a minor in philosophy in college, pretty easy in a Jesuit college undergrad program. They made you study St Thomas Aquinas to almost a minor.
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Professor Tol is scheduled for the lowest realm of the 8th circle of Hell, Dante says so.

This is a National Review report on the Professor Tol business and his decision to renounce the IPCC report and Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) as too over the top and exaggerated.
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EPA, Medical Schools complicit in Unethical and Immoral/Illegal Human Experiments

Let’s see if we can summarize the human experiments scandal.
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Junk Science on Hospital Acquired Infections

As a part of an elitist motivated strategy to denigrate American Doctors, Nurses and Hospitals, let’s get together and do some junk science studies sponsored by the company that brings you–Obamacare.
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Pink Slime Scare causes ABC Heartburn

The same network that put up junk journalism on Food Lion, now gets a chance to explain their advocacy on beef products that they called pink slime but its just small pieces ground up from the butchering process.
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