More on Core

Core Curriculum has been a subject here recently, since aficionados are naturally inclined to pedagogical matters.
Even as diagnosticians or analysts junkscience devotees are obligated to consider, for example, the vectors and etiologies of the ignorance that create and allow junk science.
If junk science is the product of corruption and ignorance–we probably should be concerned about primary, secondary and higher education curricula.
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Sweet Revenge

in olden days some guy named Mawson was sailing (that’s what they had before those evil fossil fuel engines) along on the shores of the Antarctica.
Now the people trying to duplicate his cruise of discovery are trapped and their saviors are trapped.
Now I will admit that I, a stupid emergency physician, advised against this cruise, given a colder trend in the Northern hemisphere that did not bode well for teh Southern, but no one listened.
I also agree that no matter what they say, if there is warming–and there ain’t, it could circulate more water vapor and cause more snow and ice in a perpetually cold place like Antarctica

Alternative Medicine (cont.)

A fan sent a note of inquiry about a surge in alternative medicine talk and linked me to an item on WebMD about Alternative and Complementary methods of treating pain. Actually that is one place where the placebo effect of unscientific medicine can have good effects.
Let’s consider. Medicine for pain and psych stuff should always be liberally sprinkled with placebo laced methods. They work.
Benefits from placebo effect don’t mean you’re faking, it means you are cooperating and finding some chemical neurohumeral and psychological benefits.
Continue reading Alternative Medicine (cont.)

Oh the Fear, Oh the Anxiety–Resistant Bugs Caused by Farmers

I have been practicing medicine now for 42 years and I am still using Amoxicillin, a penicillin family (called beta lactam) antibiotic, for respiratory infections in children, with great success. Amoxicillin became available in the 60s as I recall, as a better form of penicillin. I have personally prescribed a river of Amoxicillin, the pink bubble gum stuff, as the mommies say.
So why do journalists declare another “crisis” related to resistant bugs? Because that’s what journalists do and a crisis makes news.
Continue reading Oh the Fear, Oh the Anxiety–Resistant Bugs Caused by Farmers

This is Summer in the Antarctic–What's going on?

Goddard has got me confused–a while ago on a post that I did about increases in Antarctic Ice I screwed up because the report was old, from the previous winter in the Antarctic, now Goddard has me all confused on this new record cold and ice for Antarctica–this is Antarctic Summer ice? Record for Summer? I would suppose.
The date is Dec 25.
The color coded planet map shows Antarctic is dark blue? Of course I always point out its freezing down there all the time.
I need to take a nap.

More Education Babble from the Feds

Now the Sec of Education claims that the Feds aren’t trying to influence the Common Core development. They claim it is a state driven thing, but we know better, don’t we? The carrot is money, the states always sit up for money.
Continue reading More Education Babble from the Feds

Obamacare is Built on a Pile of Junk Science

By John Dale Dunn MD JD
Junk Science can be a basis for bad policy, let’s consider Obamacare–the fix that has failed. Failed the great American Healthcare System and may auger its demise. Shame on us. I cannot provide you with enough information on this tragedy if you are not already alerted. Too bad, you’re stupid.
Continue reading Obamacare is Built on a Pile of Junk Science