Green Mountain Heroin Panic

Last week we talked about opiates and how heroin addiction and habit is overrated and mythologized–well here we go, the lefties in Vermont have too much time on their hands and the heroin helps them get through their aimless lives.

Tamiflu Overrated

Genentech says it can’t keep up with Tamiflu production, and the shortage is reported as a problem. Or is it.
Well, like most crises, it’s not, the benefits are overrated and amount to a reduction in severity or length of the flu at best, and Tamiflu resistance is increasing.

Camille Paglia and the Elitist Applecart

All you students of the modern culture and soft or hard science should have Camille on your radar.
She doesn’t pull punches and is erudite to an extreme degree in anthropological/cultural studies of modern society.
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CDC Teen Suicide Rate on the Rise

Well I believe this bad news. I see extraordinarily troubled teens and dysfunctional families.
I became concerned many years ago when I saw young kids on big time psych meds. My pediatrician and psych colleagues say it’s frightening how sick some of these kids are. My teacher friends say it has changed the nature of their work–they are required to devote a lot of time to unsociallized feral children.
This is a pretty decent review of the latest CDC assessment of teen suicides and suicide risk.
One must consider that the suicide rate or thoughts of suicide are symptomatic of a deeper and wider problem–we have a lot of kids who won’t ever be functional adults. A lot of parents who are clueless on how to make a child into an adult, because, they may be of that generation i saw many years ago that didn’t get it, and never grew up themselves.
It is terrible to see. Some families are completely torn up by mental illness, and have multiple members with serious mental problems.
It is no surprise it wipes out families–we are social animals, dependent on the family as a place of safety and succor.
Some families have multiple children with mental health problems at a very young age, already recieving for social security. Imagine your life as a parent if you have a child who has required hospitalization for a mental illness.
The oppositional defiant, ADHD, emotional disorder children have become a big problem that will overwhelm our schools and may create a major problem in our healthcare system.

Anticoagulation for Atrial Fib

Atrial Fibrillation is irrgular heart beat, the most common form, and when the heart fibrillates it tends to generate clots in its chambers that can cause strokes.
So coumadin is routinely used, or other anticoagulants, to reduce the risk of lung clots or strokes.
Although not mentioned in this research, anticoagulation is also recommended for people with enlarged heart/heart failure, who also are prone to clot development in the heart chambers.
Research confirms the benefits. Bleeding is the main complication of anticoagulants as you might imagine, with trauma a serious contributor, like head injuries.

What is This Thing Called a Fetus?

Here we go.
Pregnant woman, gestation about 20 weeks collapses from blood clot to lung that causes cardiac arrest, producing brain damage determined to be brain death.
Texas law and law of 31 other states prohibits terminating mother’s life because fetus has right to live.
Imagine that? Parents of the mother argue that she would want to die. No word in the news reports on the opinion of the husband.
Continue reading What is This Thing Called a Fetus?

Chinese Medicine is What?

I can’t even begin to express the disgust I have for those who would jump on some Chinese Medicine bandwagon.
Here’s the way it goes, like man, Chinese medicine respects yin and yang, and such things as magical energy forces.
How could any sentient being object to magical medicine? After all, life is a magical trip, isn’t it, grasshopper?

A Sharp Disagreement on the Brain Death of Jahi McMath

George Neumayr articulates his disagreement on the brain dead argument.
Some religions such as Judaism and some members of other religions are uncomfortable with the brain death concept.
Mr. Neumayr exemplifies that position.

Follow the Money on Fracking and Pipeline Debates

All this anti fracking advocacy–and anti Keystone XL pipeline agitation certainly is funded by someone.
Here’s some stuff to consider on the fracking debate. Saudis have a dog in the fight.
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Dddddrruuuugs IV Cocaine

I practiced in Florida when cocaine was worth 10 or more thousand dollars a kilo (2.2 pounds) back in the 80s.
Big business supplying idle Americans, and very violent dealings. In that time anybody with a cell phone was assumed to be a cocaine player, how times have changed.
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Here Come the Tautologists, Watch Out Popperians

So cooling and cold is due to warming, so the next ice age might be do to green house gasses and the green house effect produces a colder planet.
Warming could be the reason for more Antarctic and Arctic ice or for less ice.
I told you this cold snap would not slow down the warming propagandists. They’ve got a stake.
Continue reading Here Come the Tautologists, Watch Out Popperians