Censorship and Statist Coercion

Fanatics cannot accept coexistence of ideas. Regardless of the subject mattter, social science, hard science, public policy making, political correctness intimidation has changed the language, even censored those who would disagree with the state or elite promoted canon.
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Junk Science Healthcare Policy on Emergency Visits

You might ask why is there a dogma that universal health insurance coverage would reduce Emergency Department utilization? All the smart guys say so, all the way up to the President.
Well, in fact the consensus about ED visits and utilization has always been based on junk science analysis.
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Clarice, 1984, and a Salute to Milloy.

JunkScience.com asks questions and challenges assumptions on matters of scientific inquiry that impact public opinion and political policy making.
Pretentions of establishment funded and designated “experts” are evaluated with a skeptical eye.
Continue reading Clarice, 1984, and a Salute to Milloy.

Oh the Agony of the Research Community

Here is a story of a woman committed to child health, specializing in leukemia epidemiology, who is condemned for speaking sensible to the hysterical about lead. And I am forced to wade through the usual BS from Huff Post.
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Big Thoughts on Science

This essay by Thomas Sheahen, PhD in physics from MIT, is above my IQ, but worth the read.
The part I liked was his explanation of the implications of Quantum Mechanics as the successor to the Newtonian Classical Mechanics and that Richard Feynman said it was impossible to understand quantum mechanics. Thank goodness, I thought it was just me.
Sheahen stunned me with his little lecture about faith and trust in certain areas of legitimate science–since I am a proud skeptic looking for reliable evidence, testability and reproducibility.
The author explains that I might have to change my approach and devotion to evidence. I am still holding out.