Wake Up Researchers

This is a little essay from a person who is clearly conflicted about the problems of psych research, a very unreliable area of research.
I thought her anxieties about the research well worth the consideration.
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Oh the Agony of the Research Community

Here is a story of a woman committed to child health, specializing in leukemia epidemiology, who is condemned for speaking sensible to the hysterical about lead. And I am forced to wade through the usual BS from Huff Post.
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Driessen Goes Downtown

Paul Driessen writes a regular column for Townhall, and is an ally of those who propose sensible policy on energy and environment issues. He and I agree with few quibbles.
He is a spokesperson and writer for Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) that pushes back on fanatic enviros with a particular emphasis on the negative impact of environmentalist nonsense on the welfare of 3rd World people.
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