John Coleman, Charming Weatherman

When I was a young man in Omaha, John Coleman was our weatherman on TV. Channel 7–went on to national prominence then founded the Weather Channel. Now does TV weather again in San Diego.
Great voice, charismatic, great singer too.
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Western Civ Must Survive–Support the National Association of Scholars

This essay about the battle to save Western Civ and meaning of Western Civilization Studies was compelling.
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Is the Academy an Honest Place?

Repeatedly we are reminded of unreliable research in economics, social sciences, even some of the hard sciences.
Political agendas and intellectual passion can result in cargo cult science.
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More from Thomas Sowell on Facts and Fantasy

Thomas Sowell continues his series of essays on fact free liberal thinking.
We already put up the first and II.
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Caramel Cancer Scare

Here we go again. Colas have color, makes them more attractive for the consumer.
As we all know toxicity and carcinogenicity studies in rodents–not a reliable measure.
But they can still make crazy claims.

Sowell on the Minumum Wage

The continuing battle on minimum wage ignores the obvious, that the minimum wage gambit is about the union contracts already in place, that provide for an increase in the wage for the union workers based on minimum wage increases.
Separate from that, entry level workers are not looking for the wage that will make them able to support a family and live a life, they are looking for a start.
I had a simple little job as a young person–certainly nothing to keep me going for my life, but also something that allowed me to get going.
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