Emails Reveal: Bureaucrats censor radiation risk science fraud by cancelling whistleblowers; Huge implications for nuclear power and more

Continue reading Emails Reveal: Bureaucrats censor radiation risk science fraud by cancelling whistleblowers; Huge implications for nuclear power and more

Asked about radiation causing genetic mutation, ChatGPT responded with fictional studies

A new low for artificial intelligence — ChatGPT cited admittedly “fictional” scientific studies to answer a question about radiation.

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No, radiation doesn’t cause gene mutations

The illustration below is from the December 1953 issue of Mechanix Illustrated. So where did people get the still-never-demonstrated idea that radiation could cause genetic mutations, if not mutant beings? You can trace it all back radiation-scare fraudster Herman Muller and his bogus 1927 paper in Science magazine, “Artificial Transmutation of the Gene,” which led to Muller’s (undeserved) 1946 Nobel Prize.

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Mother of all cancer risk assessment regulation found to be science fraud

Climate junk scientist James Hansen wasn’t the first to use the term “loaded dice” in regard to alleged human enhancement of environmental risk. That “honor” goes to Science magazine which use the term in its editorial heralding its May 1957 publication of the foundational paper of all cancer risk assessment, E.B. Lewis’ “Leukemia and Ionizing Radiation.”

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1956 National Academy of Sciences report on radiation risk discovered to be science fraud

The article highlighted on the June 13, 1956 front-page of the New York Times was the product of demonstrable science fraud committed by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). The subject report by the NAS is a foundational document for the junk science that is the linear no-threshold model used in regulatory risk assessment. If you want the story on the NAS report, watch Episode 12, Episode 13 and Episode 14 of the Health Physics Society’s video series entitled, “The Historical Foundations of the Linear No-Threshold Dose-Response Model for Cancer Risk Assessment.” This is a mere teaser for LNT news to be broken on this page that will rock the radiation safety and regulatory risk assessment bureaucracy. So get informed and stay tuned. It’s recommended that you watch the entire 22-part HPS video series ASAP so you can better appreciate the news when it breaks.

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NRC denies petition to get rid of the LNT

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has denied a petition to abolish the linear no-threshold model for cancer from radiation exposure. Here is the petition. Here is the NRC denial and rule-making docket (i.e., public comments). Here is Robert Hargraves op-ed (Web | PDF) in today’s Wall Street Journal about the ongoing travesty of the LNT. Support!

Video: Ed Calabrese explains the historical foundations and scientific misconduct behind the LNT model

The linear non-threshold model (LNT) for carcinogenesis sadly is the foundation chemical and radiation risk assessment around the world. Here, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst’s Dr. Ed Calabrese explains the historical scientific fraud that underpins the LNT. Calabrese has done amazing original investigative research that has been previously published in numerous articles in various scientific journals. In this 55-minute video, he boils it all down. Don’t pass it up. We owe Ed a great debt for this difficult and thankless research.

New Calabrese: No scientific foundation for linear threshold model used in government risk assessment

“To date, regulatory agencies appear to have ignored these scientific developments and have seemingly doubled down on their assertions to support LNT, holding to a belief without a credible history and scientific foundation.” Low Rad Journal-LNTHere is the paper.

More appalling LNT fraud from the National Academy of Sciences

In his new paper, Ed Calabrese reports that the ever-fraudulent National Academy of Sciences ignored data showing no genetic damage among the Japanese atomic bomb survivors because it would expose the limitations of extrapolating from animal data.

New York Times article from August 2, 1956 reporting on research showing no genetic harm among atomic bomb survivors.

Continue reading More appalling LNT fraud from the National Academy of Sciences