Cultural Decay is Partially Attributable to Junk Social Science

Sure, Social Sciences, for example political science,are about morality, civility and the natural law and what works for civilizations.
Aristotle and other big brains considered the inquiry on what makes a civilization and society important.

More from Thomas Sowell on Facts and Fantasy

Thomas Sowell continues his series of essays on fact free liberal thinking.
We already put up the first and II.
Continue reading More from Thomas Sowell on Facts and Fantasy

Another Sex Change, "Andy" had a baby.

Mona Charen on Andy Inkster, who recently gave birth to a daughter.
And I think Charen makes a pretty good point about the sexual revolution and how it jeopardizes the family and domestic order.
I am reading CS Lewis on Morality and he emphasizes that the study of the implications of Natural Law does help us to find good and bad, vice and virtue.
Here below Charen tallies up the damage from the sexual revolution. Not a pretty thing. Children don’t do well when families lose importance and status. But note the comment that married men tend to do better and live longer–something about the influence of a good woman, even for us wannabe outlaws.

Sex Change Ordered by Federal Court

Judges are in over their head on many things, but they still get to order their preferences and make things happen. Aren’t they special?
The judiciary dredges to find experts that confirm their preferences so they can be wrong, but not in doubt.
Continue reading Sex Change Ordered by Federal Court

Low Info Voters are a Mass Movement

This problem of ignorance in the mass movement of low information voters is troublesoe because they are fertile ground for the rise of tyranny and the age of charlatan megalomaniacs.
Continue reading Low Info Voters are a Mass Movement

Paul McHugh on Junk Psychiatry

Paul McHugh is former chair of psychiatry and now University Professor at Johns Hopkins.
Here he talks about Psychiatry and some psych misadventures in junk science.
A little tease from this essay in The American Scholar.
He faults the antipsychiatry psychiatrists, (Tom Szasz and R. D. Laing included) for the
suspicions raised. The psychiatric results of these doubters was to deny needy patients! Patients
became “psychiatrically oppressed.” It became fashionable to ignore the needs of patients and to
focus on psychiatric practice. This was a gross oversimplification. It is not true that
schizophrenics are living their own “life style.” McHugh sees them as “needing care.” Psychiatry
is not a mendacious institution but a loving and caring one. It should promote a sympathetic
understanding of patients. That’s where the emphasis should be: on patients.
He then goes on to examine three major faults of “trendy psychiatry”: the mentally ill homeless,
sex change surgery and, most recently, MPD, the result of childhood sexual abuse.

Prisons and Prisoners, Determinism

Theodore Dalrymple on Prisons.
People expressed dismay on this website about the rate of incarceration in America.
Essay by an extraordinary writer, psychiatrist in community and prison practice.

Savages in the Heartland of America?

We talked about Teen Suicide last week and many responded with dramatic personal tales and observations.
Let’s talk the Heartland of America, I know Omaha pretty well.
Continue reading Savages in the Heartland of America?

Camille Paglia and the Elitist Applecart

All you students of the modern culture and soft or hard science should have Camille on your radar.
She doesn’t pull punches and is erudite to an extreme degree in anthropological/cultural studies of modern society.
Continue reading Camille Paglia and the Elitist Applecart