More from Thomas Sowell on Facts and Fantasy

Thomas Sowell continues his series of essays on fact free liberal thinking.
We already put up the first and II.
Continue reading More from Thomas Sowell on Facts and Fantasy

Chamber of Commerce is about Free Market Capitalism? Sho Nuff.

The recent conduct of the Chamber of Commerce of crony capitalism and neo fascism (as in a government/business co-op) is now on display as declared by their CEO for the last 15 years and committed statist, Mr. Donahue.
Continue reading Chamber of Commerce is about Free Market Capitalism? Sho Nuff.

Another Sex Change, "Andy" had a baby.

Mona Charen on Andy Inkster, who recently gave birth to a daughter.
And I think Charen makes a pretty good point about the sexual revolution and how it jeopardizes the family and domestic order.
I am reading CS Lewis on Morality and he emphasizes that the study of the implications of Natural Law does help us to find good and bad, vice and virtue.
Here below Charen tallies up the damage from the sexual revolution. Not a pretty thing. Children don’t do well when families lose importance and status. But note the comment that married men tend to do better and live longer–something about the influence of a good woman, even for us wannabe outlaws.

Butterworth Talks Chemoriskophobia

This essay is about surveys of professionals involved in assessing chemical/toxicological risks.
Very enlightening and more sensible than what we see in the political forums and the media. These professionals are properly concerned about the political “consensus” and the fanatic influence, and would prefer more science, less hysteria.