Societal Structures and Mixed Up people

Dan Flynn, a regular essayist at AmSpec, offers some troubling observations about people and relationships in the wake of the heroin OD of the actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
It is easy to talk about loving your neighbor as an abstraction, or believing the words of the John Lennon song
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Dr. Krauthammer, Meet Dr. Dunn, HMO Vet

Charles Krauthammer’s wrote insightfully and was cited here on his comments on the realities of medical care and the myths that drive current plans.
However, there are more myths than even Dr. K is aware of.
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Chris Horner is Captain America in my Book

I get a news mag Military, that includes essays by Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media (AIM).
An AIM interview of Chris Horner, an author and speaker I knew from his work on enviro and climate affairs caught my eye.
Now I am mad as hell.
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Public Health Bureaucrat Bullying–You Bet

Let’s imagine that I was a Politician and I said that money spent on Public Health bureaucracies could be better spent elsewhere.
Can I expect the people in matching t shirts to campaign against me? You Bet.
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