Canadians Worry Over Pesticides

Enough pressure from the anxious and politicians create another scare.
Pesticides are essential to food and feed production. Dose makes the poison, dammit.

California condor egg shell thinning blamed on DDT — even though no significant correlation found

The AP reports: Continue reading California condor egg shell thinning blamed on DDT — even though no significant correlation found

Berkeley Anti-Atrazine Crusader Blames ‘Big Ag’, Set To Sue, After University Dispute Freezes Research

Jon Entine writes at Continue reading Berkeley Anti-Atrazine Crusader Blames ‘Big Ag’, Set To Sue, After University Dispute Freezes Research

UC Berkeley no longer willing to fund Tyrone Hayes’ junk science jihad against pesticide; Hayes threatens lawsuit; 100,000 frogs in danger

And where’s PETA? Hayes has used 100,000 frogs in his “research.” Amphibians in decline? No, they’re all in Hayes’ cages! Continue reading UC Berkeley no longer willing to fund Tyrone Hayes’ junk science jihad against pesticide; Hayes threatens lawsuit; 100,000 frogs in danger

While NIH dabbles in malaria vaccine development, 600,000 deaths (mostly children) this year — They need insecticides not research fantasies

Michael Gerson writes about the latest malaria vaccine research in the WaPo: Continue reading While NIH dabbles in malaria vaccine development, 600,000 deaths (mostly children) this year — They need insecticides not research fantasies

George Moonbat: ‘Neonicotinoids are the new DDT killing the natural world’

Oh… Moonbat… DDT only ever hurt the disease-bearing lice and mosquitos…. Silent Spring is total… what’s the proper word for you… oh, yes… rubbish. Continue reading George Moonbat: ‘Neonicotinoids are the new DDT killing the natural world’

Vets claim Agent Orange-related cancer from post-Vietnam war exposures in ‘contaminated’ airplanes

Agent Orange doesn’t cause cancer. This is ridiculous. Continue reading Vets claim Agent Orange-related cancer from post-Vietnam war exposures in ‘contaminated’ airplanes