Sad to see the ever-pathetic Shanna Swan is still pushing the discredited endocrine disrupter scare, today via the NYTimes’ empty-head comrade Nick Kristof.
Continue reading NYTimes Scare: ‘Are Your Sperm in Trouble?’
Sad to see the ever-pathetic Shanna Swan is still pushing the discredited endocrine disrupter scare, today via the NYTimes’ empty-head comrade Nick Kristof.
Continue reading NYTimes Scare: ‘Are Your Sperm in Trouble?’
More epidemiologic foolishness.
Continue reading Claim: Exposure to certain insecticides linked to childhood behavioral difficulties
The greatest manmade chemical of all time — still working despite being banned in 1972.
Continue reading Wow… DDT residues have been killing mosquitoes for 40 years
“Scientists are bewildered by Zika’s path across Latin America” — except the “scientists” didn’t do the right science before jumping to conclusions. Continue reading Zika: JunkScience right again; Public health ‘experts’ wrong again
EPA pulled scientific report as Ted Lieu prepped briefing with conspiracy theorists. Continue reading EPA deletes report on pesticide safety at request of anti-vaccine activists
The increased risk of microcephaly from Zika is guesstimated to range form 0.88% to 13% — anywhere from 0 to 4 extra cases per 10,000 live births. Continue reading Study: Zika and the Risk of Microcephaly
My commentary in the Daily Caller. Continue reading A 44 Percent Bee Decline?
Maybe WHO should stop worrying about e-cigs for a bit? Continue reading W.H.O. Cites Low to Moderate Risk of Zika’s Imminent Spread to Europe
The government has all the money and tools it needs to fight Zika. Any more is a taxpayer-rip-off and corruption. Continue reading What is taking Congress so long on Zika funding?
The CDC already has the $1.9 billion to fight Zika. Greedy corrupt bureaucrats just want more. Continue reading WaPo: The GOP Congress must stop hurting the Zika fight
“Here we demonstrate that the ZIKVBR infects fetuses, causing intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR), including signs of microcephaly in mice.” Continue reading Claim: The Brazilian Zika virus strain causes birth defects in experimental models
Democrats would rather kill babies than mosquitoes. Continue reading For Republicans in Congress, does ‘pro-life’ extend to fighting Zika?