Review: 'Least Toxic Pesticides' Applied as a 'Last Resort'

“Recommendations and decisions to use “least toxic pesticides” and “pesticides as a last resort” have flourished in the last decade, but according to three scientific organizations – the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA), the American Phytopathological Society (APS) and the Plant-Insect Ecosystems Section of the Entomological Society of America (P-IE ESA) – these are not the correct approaches to the pesticide component of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.” [Weed Science Society of America]

Rise of the Pitchforkers: Can a group of protesters waving farm implements bring about new rules for pesticide use?

Enviros try (again) whipping up fears of atrazine and 2,4-D among farmers. Continue reading Rise of the Pitchforkers: Can a group of protesters waving farm implements bring about new rules for pesticide use?

Audubon understands Gleick committed fraud

We’d congratulate the Audubon Society for understanding that Peter Gleick’s committed fraud, but we still have a bad taste in our mouth from all people Audubon helped kill via the DDT ban. Continue reading Audubon understands Gleick committed fraud

Atrazine: Demonizing Defendants

We can understand why plaintiffs’ lawyers and allied advocates for the organic food industry would seek to demonize what they see as a deep-pocket defendant and a competitor. But why would Madison County judges ignore overwhelming science and favor the plaintiffs when so many of the county’s tax-paying residents earn their livelihoods in conventional agriculture? Continue reading Atrazine: Demonizing Defendants