Steve Milloy is scheduled to debunk the notion that global warming caused Hurricane Sandy on Cavuto tonight (Fox Business Channel at 8pm ET).
Category: Miscellaneous
Coal Company: Obama EPA killing 145 jobs by holding up permit
“Consol Energy Inc. told 145 workers in southern West Virginia on Tuesday that it will start laying them off in late December because of a dispute over permits for surface mining related to the King Coal Highway project.” [CBS News]
West Virginia Dems unload on Obama EPA over new coal layoffs
Romney Pennsylvania ad hits Obama on coal
Nike Flip-Flop: Armstrong Now a Doper, Untruthful
What a difference a week makes. Continue reading Nike Flip-Flop: Armstrong Now a Doper, Untruthful
Nike on Armstrong: Just dope it?
Nike: if you deny cheating, then you didn’t. Continue reading Nike on Armstrong: Just dope it?
PBS NewsHour: Against scientific consensus before they were for it
Pay no attention to the contradiction behind the curtain. Continue reading PBS NewsHour: Against scientific consensus before they were for it
Whitman: Anti-EPA message scares off independents
This from a woman who, when she became EPA administrator in 2001, didn’t know the difference between global warming and ozone depletion. Continue reading Whitman: Anti-EPA message scares off independents
JunkScience Announces has obtained 3,500+ pages of documents showing how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill have violated (and continue to violate) every rule set since World War II for the protection of human study subjects from out-of-control scientists. Take the guided tour of the scandal at
P.S. If you can’t find the time or interest to check out, please save yourself the trouble of ever visiting again.
Steve Milloy, Publisher
IBD: Regulatory Tsunami To Hit Business If Obama Wins Second Term
“Using official government sources, the National Federation of Independent Business calculates there are more than 4,000 federal rules in the pipeline, and that just the 13 biggest ones would, if imposed in an Obama second term, cost businesses a total of more than $515 billion over four years.” [Investor’s Business Daily]
War on Coal
“Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania—the heart of Appalachia—have been hardest hit by nine regulations proposed or finalized by the Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that critics say will cripple this region’s coal industry.” [Human Events]