Lance Armstrong, Nutrition Products Sponsor Accused in Suit of False Advertising

“The cyclist was also sued yesterday with FRS Co., a nutritional products maker for which he served as spokesman, in Los Angeles federal court by consumers claiming Armstrong and the company engaged in false advertising by linking his Tour de France victories to FRS products.” Continue reading Lance Armstrong, Nutrition Products Sponsor Accused in Suit of False Advertising

Alert for NYC JunkScience Fans: Join Steve Milloy, Tom Wolfe on Saturday, March 2 publisher Steve Milloy will deliver the luncheon keynote address at the National Association of Scholars 25th anniversary celebration. Author Tom Wolfe handles dinner keynote duties. Continue reading Alert for NYC JunkScience Fans: Join Steve Milloy, Tom Wolfe on Saturday, March 2

Republican leaders’ sequester ‘meeting’ with Obama: Seven minutes

“Never let it be said that President Obama has failed to spend time with Republican leaders in seeking an alternative to automatic budget cuts that are due to hit most federal departments Friday.” Continue reading Republican leaders’ sequester ‘meeting’ with Obama: Seven minutes

Bob Woodward: Obama Is Showing ‘A Kind Of Madness I Haven’t Seen In A Long Time’

“The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on ‘Morning Joe’ today, saying he’s exhibiting a ‘kind of madness I haven’t seen in a long time’ for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns.” Continue reading Bob Woodward: Obama Is Showing ‘A Kind Of Madness I Haven’t Seen In A Long Time’

Milbank: ‘McCarthyism 2013’

WaPo’s Dana Milbank accuses Sen. Jim Inhofe of McCarthyism for his factual assertion that Chuck Hagel accused Israel of committing “sickening slaughter.” This is the sort of McCarthyism that Joe McCarthy was accused of — i.e., being correct! Continue reading Milbank: ‘McCarthyism 2013’