Nature Study: Global central planning would ensure ‘world’s technological, socio-economic, and environmental systems’ don’t become ‘global time bombs’

Professor Dirk Helbing of ETH Zurich’s Risk Center clearly missed the 20th century. Continue reading Nature Study: Global central planning would ensure ‘world’s technological, socio-economic, and environmental systems’ don’t become ‘global time bombs’

20 Years Ago: 5-1-93 — EPA claims gasoline air toxics cause 720 cancer deaths per year

But the most recent EPA document on the topic admits the agency is unable to figure out the benefits (i.e., cancer deaths prevented) of reduced gasoline air toxics (i.e., benzene, 1,3-butadiene, formaldehyde, acetylaldehyde, acrolein and naphthalene). Most likely because there aren’t any. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-1-93 — EPA claims gasoline air toxics cause 720 cancer deaths per year

Study: Environmental Labels May Discourage Conservatives from Buying Energy-Efficient Products

Probably because environmental labels are like a sign flashing “CAUTION: THIS PRODUCT IS A JUNK SCIENCE-BASED RIP-OFF!” Continue reading Study: Environmental Labels May Discourage Conservatives from Buying Energy-Efficient Products

Claim: Sleeping duration linked with higher colon cancer risk

Dubious if not automatically self-debunking — data from the perpetual junk science machine (i.e., self-reported and unverified data, multiple inquiry fallacy) known as the Nurses Health Study. Continue reading Claim: Sleeping duration linked with higher colon cancer risk

WebMD offers dangerous junk science-based dietary salt advice…

… even though one of its cited “experts” tacitly admits there is no established cause-and-effect relationship between typical/normal/current salt intake and adverse health effects. Continue reading WebMD offers dangerous junk science-based dietary salt advice…

20 Years Ago: 4-30-93 — Democrat-controlled Senate narrowly votes down bill to compel EPA cost-benefit analysis for major rules

In opposition to the bill, Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell said: Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-30-93 — Democrat-controlled Senate narrowly votes down bill to compel EPA cost-benefit analysis for major rules

20 Years Ago: 4-29-93 — UN says even a $300/ton carbon tax won’t work; May have to limit emissions by force

No wonder this UN publication is out of print. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-29-93 — UN says even a $300/ton carbon tax won’t work; May have to limit emissions by force

20 Years Ago: 4-28-93 — EPA to study cancer risk from chlorinated water vapor in showers

A golden oldie from the environmentalist war against the periodic table. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-28-93 — EPA to study cancer risk from chlorinated water vapor in showers

20 Years Ago: 4-26-93 — EPA threatens Calif. with loss of highway funds over auto inspections

EPA requires California to do “everything we feel is necessary.” No doubt this is the sort of federalism our founders had in mind? Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-26-93 — EPA threatens Calif. with loss of highway funds over auto inspections