New York Times debunks climate-caused California wildfires

California can either manage its forests better or watch them burn for another 200 years — according to the New York Times.

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Boom: Harvard PM2.5-COVID-19 study destroyed by study on smoking and COVID-19

The recent Harvard Howler study claiming to link PM2.5 in outdoor air with increased risk of death from COVID-19 was always obvious junk science. And that reality is now underscored by this new study showing an inverse relationship between smoking and death from COVID-19.

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No… climate change, air pollution not linked with pre-term birth, low birth weight or stillbirth — no matter what color you are

More race-baiting garbage from JAMA.

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ISS misleads investors on Milloy ExxonMobil shareholder proposal on climate

Our securities laws are supposed to be built on a foundation of full and fair disclosure. So today I came across this Reuters article (Web | PDF) on the shareholder proposals to be voted on at the May 27 ExxonMobil annual shareholder meeting.

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Orwellian: Climate predictions are wrong, but YouTube gives climate skeptics the asterisk

JunkScience and the Heartland Institute just collaborated on “Climate Prediction Swings and Misses: A Decade of Alarmist Strikeouts, 2010-2019“, a compilation which includes a short YouTube video.

Note that immediately under the video is a link to the “global warming” entry for Wikipedia. Why? Below is YouTube’s explanation.

That’s right. We present 10 wild climate alarmist predictions that were in print and didn’t come true… and YouTube labels our video as possibly misinforming people?

No… wind mills and solar panels do NOT pay for themselves in health benefits

The latest from the Chinese Communist Party-owned Harvard T.C. Chan School of Public Health. The claim here is that wind mills and solar panels reduce air pollution from fossil fuel burning and, therefore, reduce deaths and health effects. Then applying bogus economics to monetize statistical lives saved and health effects avoided, wind and solar allegedly pay for themselves. But…

Continue reading No… wind mills and solar panels do NOT pay for themselves in health benefits

House Democrats bully confused GOP into supporting (junk) ‘scientific integrity’ bill

Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.)… you need to call me before you get further buffaloed on H.R. 1709, the “Scientific Integrity Act.” The bill has nothing to do with scientific integrity, fixes no problems and instead provides safe harbors for the science miscreants in federal agencies.

Science news report | HR 1709 | Lucas amendment

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

Myron Ebell and I collaborated on this compilation for the Competitive Enterprise Institute. It is currently the top story at

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CO2 link to mega-drought debunked by Australian government scientists

“Australia’s Federation Drought, spanning 1895 to 1903, was one of the world’s worst recorded megadroughts.” So… what caused the megadrought 120 years and 120 ppm CO2 ago?

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