Debunked: Fed employee nomination for prestigious civil service award based on fixing leaks of ‘potent’ greenhouse gas

Will Josh Silverman be awarded the Service to America Medal for trivial greenhouse gas emissions prevention work? Continue reading Debunked: Fed employee nomination for prestigious civil service award based on fixing leaks of ‘potent’ greenhouse gas

Confused: Calif. regulators claim diesel rules reduce global warming — even though their own study says opposite

From “ARB claims diesel engine controls reducing climate change impact in California”: Continue reading Confused: Calif. regulators claim diesel rules reduce global warming — even though their own study says opposite

PBS NewsHour: CO2 Very Bad… except when plants use it to grow better

In the PBS NewsHour’s brief news wrap feature on May 10, its viewers received “grim” news of a worldwide rise of CO2 levels, and were treated to similar news again on Monday (6th paragraph). As I reported last year right here at JS, that’s all we’ve ever heard from them about global warming. But did a particular admission in their climate change report last night undermine their entire narrative? Continue reading PBS NewsHour: CO2 Very Bad… except when plants use it to grow better

Tried to Directly Ask Al Gore a Question Today

Straight from an email I received from Al Gore (Steve Milloy’s reproduced an identical one to him): I’m pleased to invite you to join me for an interactive Google Hangout with my good friend Jeff Skoll tomorrow, June 11, at 2pm EDT …. Most importantly, I want to invite you to participate in shaping the conversation by submitting your questions and watching the Hangout….

Well, I gave it a shot. Continue reading Tried to Directly Ask Al Gore a Question Today