Odd: IPCC chief Pachauri moonlights as a soft porn novelist: 2010 novel loaded with group-sex scenes

Grist reports: Continue reading Odd: IPCC chief Pachauri moonlights as a soft porn novelist: 2010 novel loaded with group-sex scenes

Funny: Billionaire enviro compliments Michael Mann via Twitter — Then skeptic Steve Goddard chimes in…

Tom Steyer to Michael Mann to Steve Goddard. Continue reading Funny: Billionaire enviro compliments Michael Mann via Twitter — Then skeptic Steve Goddard chimes in…

Barbara Boxer gives environmental award to George W. Bush Prez library — Is this how desperate elites are for attention?

OAONline reports: Continue reading Barbara Boxer gives environmental award to George W. Bush Prez library — Is this how desperate elites are for attention?

Coal industry finally comes around to JunkScience opposition to carbon capture: EPA requirement would be a ‘mistake’

JunkScience led the argument against carbon capture and storage… finally the coal industry has come to embrace that opposition. Continue reading Coal industry finally comes around to JunkScience opposition to carbon capture: EPA requirement would be a ‘mistake’

Study: Climate change everywhere must be uniform… otherwise it’s unfair, or people won’t get it, or something…

Science Daily reports: Continue reading Study: Climate change everywhere must be uniform… otherwise it’s unfair, or people won’t get it, or something…